I’m proud to introduce Complex, my second Pico-8 game, inspired by Commodore-64 Citadel, a game I deeply loved during my childhood.
All security droids have gone mad, you need to reach the lowest level to deactivate them by hacking the mainframe.
How to Play
Complete every level by reaching the passage to the next one. Then, hack the mainframe to deactivate all the security droids.
You can capture droids and use the switch to open doors, but be careful because it costs power.
D-pad / Arrow Keys = move
X button + D-Pad / Z key + arrows key = shoot
O button + D-Pad / X key + arrows key = interact with objects or capture and move an enemy droid
X+O buttons / Z+X keys = destroy a captured droid
Interactable Objects
= Power Recharge
= Energy Shield Recharge
= Activate Defensive Droid
= Bullet upgrade
= Open door if standing next to the switch
= Capture Enemy Droid
Pico-8 Tunes vol. 2 – Into the belt by @Gruber